Health Insurance Funds and Insurance Solutions

Eliminate pressure by saving every penny.

From unfunded mandates to reduced state aid, challenges facing public entities continue to grow, especially around providing health insurance.

If you are being pressured to do more with less, then look to our affiliate, PERMA Health JIFs. PERMA manages several Health Insurance JIFs, which are regionalized and regulated by the New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance, offering unparalleled controls and measures.

As a result, you can save every penny on health insurance, and add money to sustain your existing programs and services.

PERMA Health JIFs Features

Membership has its benefits. And privileges. Features include:

  • Better prediction and control over future healthcare costs
  • Preservation of local control over your insurance plan
  • Maintaining your current level of benefits on an “equal-to or better-than” basis
  • Influencing claim costs through improved program management
  • Reducing administrative expenses through increased negotiating clout
  • Accessing your own claims data

A PERMA Health JIF is exclusive for only those public entities with a strong claims history and strong loss records. Contact us today to determine if you’re eligible.

For more information, visit the PERMA website.